Fitness Summary

Name: Cory Brown   Activity Area:  Fitness

Q. Explain what you enjoyed most about this activity area and why? 

I enjoyed being able to push and test myself to my physical limit. I enjoyed being able to see where my fitness was at at what I can improve on in order to improve my  fitness and keep at a good level so that I can be happy with myself. Being fatigued and some points made me realise I need to improve in my fitness and do some more exercise. This made my active participation increase as I made it my goal to keep my fitness up by pushing myself. I did enjoy trying to improve my fitness and test my capabilities. Because I want to know where I am at and how I can get my fitness up. 
The only prior fitness I have had was during training for sports teams and personal training. I have a gym in my garage that I use weekly in order to keep my fitness up for my sport. I used to do rugby training and football training twice a week. During school Physical Education classes I would work on fitness in previous years of the lesson involved fitness. I have had training with professionally trainers before and know techniques for working out.    Q. Explain any experiences and/or prior knowledge of the activity that you had before you participated?
I improved my fitness slightly during the fitness sessions. The first lesson I improved my running fitness after doing the training. Starting this topic in school made me do more fitness outside of school so that I could be in a fit condition for myself. The next lesson I had already done running practice so I was prepared to do more and run 3 or 5ks runs. I felt better during the run cause I had been physically prepared to do my personal best and be able to run and complete the run with a time that I can be happy with. I was a belt to do better in it than if I didn’t prepare before I had the run. Q. Did you improve over the 3 weeks?  How and Why?  If not, why? 
Q. State what factors affected your participation in this activity area?  Highlight them

* Fun and enjoyment  * Social Factors

* Challenge  * Ability to go at own pace

* Sense of achievement  * Environmental appreciation

* Sense of pushing the body to physical/mental limits

Q.  Explain why two of the factors above affected your participation in this activity area;

Factor 1 – Sense of Achievment

Sense of achievement was a big factor that affected me because if I didn’t get to have the sense of achievement after each fitness session I would definitely not want to participate. Having the sense of achievement makes me strive to do my best and achieve my small goals that I make for myself for anything I do. When completing a fitness session well and doing it properly makes me fell better than if I didn’t do it well or properly. It makes me do better at my task and complete at my highest possible best. Without it I would not get anything as near as standard I’m at at the moment.   
Factor 2 – Pushing myself to the limit

Being able to push myself to the limit is a factor that affects my participation. When I am at my limit it makes me strive to try get even better and keep pushing myself. When I am doing interval running training I am pushing myself each time to do my best effort and sprint to my top speed and keep thriving to try go over my best and improve my personal results. If I wasn’t able to push myself to the limit fitness wouldn’t be worth it and your improvement would take much longer and be a lot slower. I want to get my results as best and as fast as possible, when I am pushing myself to the limit I am doing this.    

Q. In terms of your active participation, what grade overall were you working at in this activity according to your active participation matrix?

Highlight NA A M E

Q. What is the likelihood of you participating in this activity area in the future?

Highlight Low Middle High

Fitness 2

Thursday – 3 April – Merit

On Thursday we went into the weights room to do our fitness training session. We would just keep using and sharing the equipment with each other during the period. I used the cycling bikes, rowing machines, weights, and body workouts that you can do with our equipment. This is good training in order to increase your body strength and fitness. There were only a few factors that affected my active participation.

The main factors that affected my active participation were self motivation and goals. Self motivation affected my active participation as I wanted to try the workouts ro really see where I am at with my fitness. I wanted to be able to do certain amounts of weights and certain amounts on cycling and all the rest so that my body is in a good physical condition. Goals was a factor that affected me as I wanted to be at a certain standard with my fitness so I really wanted to persevere and test my physicl condition.  

Working out in the gym can really tire you out. You need to have goals so that you can compete everything you want to and have self motivation to continue to work towards your goals each workout session. The cycling I felt fairly simple and I made my set time fairly easy at a hard training bike level. The weights that match my size and strength. I found that up they were difficult to d a lot but I manged to get my goal. I did a lot of core excersizes and push ups and sit ups. I can achieve the amount I want with these as I do them regularly.

Self motivation pushed me to keep pushing myself through the workouts so that I could feel god amount meeting my phyisical goal during the session. I want myself do to my best and excersizes as best I can in order to get the best results and have a good training session. As I got tired I had to keep pushing myself so that I could keep working towards my goal and achieve it. I wanted to be able to know my limits cause that makes me be able to perform to my best standard and get the results I want from my workout sessions and training sessions. I did achieve the goals that I wanted for the session but I might have been able to push myself a bit further.

Goals was the really big factor affecting my active participation as I was constantly achieve the goals i made for myself. I wanted to be able to do 10-15 minutes on the bike at a high level that makes it harder on your legs. I was able to get this goal within the first 15 minutes of the session so I was happy that I had achieved my goal. If I hadn’t made the goal I would have stopped before I was even satisfied with my training performance.  I did this for all the machines and workouts that I did so that I could be happy and proud with my excersizes and bodies physical condition. I was able to achieve all the goals I made for the lesson but I want to make it harder next time.

For future I would push myself harder and make my goals harder to get so that it is more difficult to participate in my fitness training and push myself to get the results I want. I would use different equipment to work different parts of my body so that I can get different fitness levels and keep my body up to a physical condition that I can be happy with. I gave myself merit as I did what I could and achieved the goals that I set myself to complete.

Fitness 1

Thursday – 26 March – Merit

On Thursday we did some fitness training. It involved interval running. We would run certain distances and certain spaces and continuously change the distance and pace. This is training that is good for any sportsman because in majority of sports you have to move constantly at different speeds. We ran 100m a couple times. Then sprinted 20m a couple  times and finally about 8m a couple times.

The main factors that affected my active participation were self motivation and mindset. Self motivation affected my active participation as I pushed myself and persevered through the tough and exhausting running. Mindset was a big factor as when you get tired your mindset is what stops you to keep pushing yourself.

Interval running is a very tough type of training. The class has to run the length of a rugby field at about 70-80%. After we had reached the end we had a certain time to walk back and go again. We did this 2 or 3 times. Then we did the same thing at 20m but we went 100% and repeated it about 5 times. After that we then shortened the distance to around 8m and did that about 10 times. This was that first fitness lesson we had. It wasn’t too hard for us but tired us about quite a bit. I felt ok by the end but was tired out and needed a little rest and to catch my breathe.

Self motivation pushed me to keep encourage g myself do to my best and perform to my peak in order to get a good training session. I was committed to keep trying and keep running to better my current fitness. This affected my active participation as I wanted to do more and push myself for self pride and the knowledge that I can push myself and do my best physically. Being able to know my limits of physicality makes me perform to a standard that I can be happy with myself. 

Mindset was a key factor affecting my active participation as I was constantly having to make myself say that I can do it and it’s not that hard. This is a key factor that I always use to make sure I am pushing myself and doing what I can. It really wasn’t that hard but I wasn’t properly hydrated so I had to push myself and think that I do this I can then go drink a lot of water. After the 20m sprints I was able to get a drink before we had do the 8m sprints. It was pretty easy after that but still made me puff and breathe heavily.

For future active participation in fitness I would make sure I have all the energy that I need do that I don’t make it harder on myself more than it already is. I would push myself more without over doing it so that I don’t get any injuries but I am doing the best I can in order to get the best training that I need in order to keep fit and actively participate. I gave myself a Merit grade due to all of this.

Athletics Summary

Name: Cory      Activity Area: Athletics

Q. Explain what you enjoyed most about this activity area and why? 

Being able to challenge myself at the athletic events and try to get the best out of myself in order to get a result that I could pride myself on. I enjoyed the fact that it was about betting your best and not competing against others, while athletics is a competitive sport the goal is to beat your own record and do the best that you can. It makes each lesson more enjoyable and less judgemental towards you and your classmates while being able to have a god time doing athletic events.

I have participated in athletics in previous school years. I knew the basic technique for majority of the events that required techniques in order to succeed with your best possible. I have completed in inter school athletics multiple times at the millennium institute and went to the event this year just after starting the athletics topic for physical education. I have a strong point in running events as my body is physically capable of short distance sprints and long distance runs. I know how to run the best possible and breath correctly in order for my muscles to receive oxygenated blood so that they perform better. Q. Explain any experiences and/or prior knowledge of the activity that you had before you participated?

I improved in some events but not all. Some days during the pre test my mindset was ready and prepared. We also did a lot of warmups before doing events during the pre test events so that my body and muscles were ready and warmed up for each athletic event. During the post test events we just did it without warming up and it was a lot harder. My best event is the 100m sprint. In the pre test I got 12:50 and I got 12:49 in the post test so I improved my record by a lot. I also do well in the jumping events. Long jump and triple jump mainly. I improved my pre test scores in the post test for both of these events. Other events like the 200m I was a second slower and did not improve my score. Q. Did you improve over the 3 weeks?  How and Why?  If not, why? 

Q. State what factors affected your participation in this activity area?  Highlight them

* Fun and enjoyment  * Social Factors

* Challenge  * Ability to go at own pace

* Sense of achievement  * Environmental appreciation

* Sense of pushing the body to physical/mental limits

Q.  Explain why two of the factors above affected your participation in this activity area;

Factor 1 Sense of Achievement

During the athletics for physical education, a major factor that affected my performance was the sense of achievement. The factor of achieving my personal best and improving my own record made my active participation a lot better than it would be if I wants able to compete against myself and win. I was able to beat myself in almost every event and do the best that I could do. I tried to get the results that I made it a goal to get. The feeling after achieving my personal athletic goals helped my active participation  

Factor 2 Ability to go at own pace

Having the ability to go at my own pace made the events a lot more enjoyable and easier to focus on betting my best record and improving my scores.  Was able to beat and improve my score as I could participate at my own pace and go as hard as I needed to without having to beat or competent against any else. It made life easier and I felt more confident about competing against myself in order to get the result that I want. 

Q. In terms of your active participation, what grade overall were you working at in this activity according to your active participation matrix?

Highlight NA A M E

Q. What is the likelihood of you participating in this activity area in the future?

Highlight Low Middle High

Athletics 4

Wednesday – 19 March – Merit

On Wednesday we did our post test throws. The only throw I did was shotput. I wanted to try get a better score than my pre test which was just over 10m but I knew that would be a challenge due to not previously warming up my muscles. The main factors involved in my active participation were self motivation and enjoyment.  I mainly focused on the right technique because this event requires good technique. 

The factors that effected my participation were self motivation and enjoyment. Self motivation made me active participate because I wanted to get a better score than my previous score in my pre test. Enjoyment effected my active participation as I felt like pushing myself to my strengths was fun. 

Shotput is a very strength based event that can be improved with either strong muscles or good technique. My best score was just over 10m. I scored that in my pre test. I wanted to be able to improve my score or alteration try to. I had a good technique and decent strength. On the day of the pre test I had warmed up my muscles after doing a running event and warming up for that. My muscles were warmed up and ready for a good throw. On the post test we didn’t warm up and I want capable of doing my best. This factor affected my participation aswell as other.

Enjoyment affected my participation as my I enjoy a challenge. I enjoyed throwing the shotput and trying to get a better score each time while trying to do my best I front of the class. The throw was a lot more challenging and slightly less enjoyable as I wasn’t reaching my best distance. This made just not want to participate as much as I would just end up using my pre test score.

Slef motivation was the biggest factor that affected my active participation. I was planning in getting a better score than my pre test and I did my best for each throw I tok but I didn’t reach my goal. After the first throw I was planning on improving as I only got 8.5m. But I only nam aged around 9.5m and didn’t get the 10m. I was motivating myself throughout each throw and pushed myself to try get the goal. This made me participate more because while finding it frustrating I just wanted to throw my best.

For future I would learn the best technique in order to get the best distance. I would also workout to gain extra muscle and warm up my muscles prior to my throws. I find it easier and more comfortable throwing when I have warmed up my body and arms I am less stiff and can do my best. I graded myself Merit because of all this.

Athletics 3

Wednesday – 11th March – Merit

On Wednesday we practiced our jumps. I practiced long jump and triple jump. For triple jump I focused on getting a good run up. So that I could jump off my better leg and go further. I wanted to participate as triple jump is one of my best athletics events. For long jump I practiced on not over stepping the mark. So that I didn’t get a no jump and I could have my jumps actually recorded. I find long jump a fun challenge and enjoy it.

The factors the affected my active participation were self set goals and enjoyment. I set goals for myself so that I would be able to improve each jump and practice so that I could get the best jump for my post test. I enjoy pushing myself and find it fun to do my best and fell proud. These factors affected both triple and long jump. I wanted to be the best possible and be able to beat the excellence mark.

Self set goals affected me in triple jump as I understand the technique of triple jump and I push myself to get a good distance when doing the event. I set a goal that I need to get a certain distance ach jump. It’s enjoying to get a good distance and do my best. I participate more in events I am good at and I can get a good score when I enjoy myself. This makes my participation increase as I can go at my own pace and achieve my self set goals. This factors effectd my participation positively.

Enjoyment affects my active participation when partiparing in this event. Being able to practice my jumps freely and enjoy myself makes the experience more enjoyable. I can actively participate more when I am doing something I can enjoy and do good at. These events are both fun for me and I can do well for my capabilities. I can improve my scores and get ready for the post test jumps when I am enjoying myself. My participation is higher when I am able to enjoy the physical event. 

For triple jump I was able to get over 10m multiple times, which was my self set goal. Getting this result multiple times for this events makes my feel confident about doing the post test. I enjoy participating in this event as it challenges my to push myself further to get my best possible result. When I set self goals I always go for that goal until I reach and that makes me participate more in order to achieve my goal. I also find the vent fun and think it is a good excersize for my athletic muscles.

For long jump I got over 4m which wasn’t my best and I continued to try improve my score. This made me go harder at my self set goal in order to achieve atleast close to 5m. I kept pushing myself in order to get the best score. It was a hot day and that reduced my participation but I was driven to have 3 or more goes at improvement. I was with the whole class so I could only get a minimum amount of jumps.

For Future active participation I would practice more and give it more goes while recording properly to make myself get better at the event. I would also try it on a day that had good weather when it want too hot.

Athletics 2

Wednesday – 25th February – Merit

On Wednesday we did a track event and a field event. For the track event we did the 400m run. The field event was shotput.  These athletics events are both quite different. The 400m is a very mentally challenging and physically demanding. Shotput is just pure power and technique. After both events I just wanted to do my best, because these events are challenging in different ways. This made my participation different to team based activities because I was competing agianst my self and my best possible score.

The factors affecting my participation is self motivation, competitiveness and getting a grade I am happy with and trying my hardest to impress myself and fellow classmates. These factors highly effected me because I have a different mind set for each of these events. I am competitive with myself and people I participate with. This made me earn a good performance for my best capabilities.

Self motivation and competitiveness are both a mental state. My mentality is what makes me perform great. I just push my self hard as I can and do my best. I am a competitive person so that I have bragging rights to some respect. This affects my participation as makes me motivate myself to get an outcome that I can be proud of. It also adds a social factor of fitness and phyisical ability which is important to me as a competing person. This factor was for both events but mainly for the 400m run.

Getting a good grade affected my a lot for both events. I wanted the best possible outcome for my physical and mental ability. Myself being not the strongest upper body made me want to participate more so I can try hard and get a good grade. I had to make goals and met certain standards to get the grade I wanted. That is what made me get my results that I can be somewhat proud of or happy with.

For the 400m I didn’t really focus on time because I wasn’t sure what times have you what grade and what my best time was because I hadn’t done the 400m seriously for a while and now I have to. My participation was very motivated to go hard and get a high speed score as I excell in running events for athletics. I was very self motivated because I was really aiming for excellence of not merit. For any running event above 200m I can struggle to get the excellence standard mark. I was happy with my performance and did a good job in my mind. I wanted to beat some of my classmates times because of my competitiveness so of course I made my mental state push my physical performance higher. I was satisfied with my outcome. 

For the shotput I just wanted to get not to far under 10m. If I got ten meters I would be very happy. Unfortunately I somewhat knew I wouldn’t but would get fairly close. I knew the basic technique and tried to use my lower body to push my upper body and get a far throw. It is still pretty awkward and hard after not throwing it for a while. I did the best possible technique to my knowledge and threw to the area of my goal. This being not one of my strong events made my participation some what less and didn’t make me want to put in as much effort as I could have. My self motivation wasn’t as pushing as the 400m but my competitiveness made me increase my participation to get a result I could be happy with. I threw over 9m and got a result I could be happy about.

For future participation in these events, I need to focus on technique and stamina. The 400m is a long sprint that requires moderate distance at high speed. So having energy and practicing it a couple times will improve my performance and participation. Shotput it mainly technique with some strength. Practicing my technique will most likely improve my performance the most. For the pre testes I’m happy with my outcome. I’ll be looking to improve both events during the post tests.

Athletics 1

 Tuesday – 24th February – Merit 

On Tuesday we started our athletics topic. For our first event we had to do a track event. We did the 100m first. After the 100m we had to do a field event. We did the discus throw. These athletics events are both a almost 100% solo challenge. However I really wanted to do well and show off my best to my fellow classmates which made me even more influenced to try. Overall I just wanted to beat my previous self and improve. This made my participation different to team based activities because I was competing agianst my self and my best.

The factors involved with both 100m sprint and the discuss throw, were competitiveness and pushing myself to my limit. These factors effected me because they were the biggest factors that influenced the outcome of my performance for both events. The outcome for both events were really good for me. 

The factor of competitiveness is always a fairly big one for me. I really wanted to beat my fellow colleagues and do the bets I could. I knew I had the potential to be one of the best in the class. I didn’t know if someone might be the same as me or better than me. So I just tried to beat my self in both events. 

The factor of pushing myself to the limit effected me greatly in manly the 100m sprint. I love short distance sprinting and doing the best possible. I wanted to beat the 12.6 seconds and get an excellent mark of above 70 points. When I really want to do well I really try. My speed is of a high standard to my believing so participating the best I could to do the best I could was never gonna be an issue.

For the 100m I really wanted to get excellence. The time to beat was 12.6 seconds. I really wanted to push myself to the limit and do my very best because this is my best and favourite athletics event. I am a fairly impressive athlete I believe. I personally thought I wouldn’t be able to reach that but I decided to go for it. This greatly effected my participation because I wanted to try my hardest. You can’t do your best without participating. I ran my hardest and almost tripped in the middle but kept my speed and did a very fast run. My time was 12.5 secs. I was impress with this score becasue it was one of my best official times. Competitvness was a big part to play with the outcome. 

For discuss I was all about competitiveness and pushing myself to the limit because I just wanted to beat certain classmates. I went around the middle and just tried to focus on a decent technique. I threw 20.2 metres. I was aiming for 20 and I was happy with my result. Competitiveness was the biggest factor for me because it made me want to preform my best and show off. I participated fairly good. I had pushed myself to my set limit in order to get the result I wanted. I only took one throw and then went off to play football to let others have their turn and possibly a second turn. I could have had better participation but I didn’t really feel like waiting around on the field in the sun sitting on grass or under shade on bark. With my result I was happy with it and it is a good result to try and beat for the post test. These both effected my participation in differnet directions because of my likes.

For future I think I would just warm up and practice more for these events. I would get tips and tricks in order to improve my score and do better than my current scores. For the shotput I would learn and practice a better technique and most likely get stronger and build more muscle. For the 400m I would practice it more so I get used to it and know how to go about pushing myself when I get tired and start slowing down. I would also prepare and warmup so I can do better than if I didn’t. Doing this would most likely improve my results. 

At the end of the day I just want to get the best possible score that I can achieve. Overall I graded myself merit because of all this and because for my abilities and factors that effected my performance and resulted in my good results. I performed to my standard and got the outcome I am happy with for both events during that lesson.

ABL  3 Week Summary

Name:  Cory Brown      Activity Area:  ABL Activities

Q. Explain what you enjoyed most about this activity area and why? 

ABL as a whole is more thinking, problem solving and techniques rather than being physically demanding. It is a very low pressure area of problem solving it was definetly not phyisically challenging at all. The activities that use difficult techniques and strategies are good fun. The others that don’t aren’t very hard and also don’t use physical I don’t like or enjoy as much. I have fun doing them but I prefer to use all my brain power while doing a physical challenge. Some of the activities I found silly but I dint mind doing silly activities but I participate a lot more in challenging activities.

Q. Explain any experiences and/or prior knowledge of the activity that you had before you participated?

For some of the activities I had some knowledge of how to go about partiparing to win and have fun. Others I had no idea. For example I knew the basic way to throw a frisbee so it made the frisbee golf challenge a lot easier. The glue stick challenge I had no idea and had to think outside the box and try multiple things to find the right stratergies. I knew how to kick a football properly as I play football competitively for the target game. If someone had no prior knowledge for any of the activities they would struggle and require teamwork to participate well. I did have quite a bit of knowledge for the activies and I used that knowledge while I participated.

Q. Did you improve over the 3 weeks?  How and Why?  If not, why? 

I started to think differently about each activity and have a different approach to how to solve the problem of the activity. How I thought about the leaky pipes challenge I thought for many different ways to do it and found the most efficient way to transport the water and not get my team mates wet. I had to change my stratergy after getting my team mates a little wet. Then any team mates helped me with a different possible stratergy that ended up winning us the competition. I thought differently about these activities becasue if you didn’t it would make the activities and problem solving skit harder and less fun to participate in.  

Q. State what factors affected your participation in this activity area?  Highlight them

* Fun and enjoyment  * Social Factors

* Challenge           * Ability to go at own pace

* Sense of achievement  * Environmental appreciation

* Sense of pushing the body to physical/mental limits

Q.  Explain why two of the factors above affected your participation in this activity area;

Factor 1 –  Fun and enjoyment

Fun and enjoyment affected my performance and participation because opi ftbe activies weren’t fun and enjoyable to me I wouldnt have felt like participating in them. If the challenge didn’t have a phyisical attribute that required you to do then the activity had to be somewhat fun or enjoyable. All of the activities had something enjoyable about them so I felt liekd could participate and enjoy the activities.  

Factor 2 – Challenge

A few of the activities had some challenging problems both mental and only slightly physical. I enjoyed all the activies that had a difficult challenge cause it required me to use some physicality or think outside of the box. Challenging activities are a lot more fun to me I I can have a high participation towards them. When you have a challenge you have some sort of competition whether it be against others or your personal best competition is fun and makes the activity better and more difficult in result making the activity or challenge more of a want to do and want to participate. 

Q. In terms of your active participation, what grade overall were you working at in this activity according to your active participation matrix?

Highlight NA A M E

Q. What is the likelihood of you participating in this activity area in the future?

Highlight Low Middle High


12th February – Friday – Merit 

 On Thursday we played leaky pipes. We had 3 teams of nine. We had to fill a pipe with holes in it with water to get a plastic ball to fall out the top. It was a big team participation activity and involved communication and getting wet. We had to fill the pipe with a cup with a hole in the bottom. 

 The first factor was being with a large group. Another factor was the water that was involved cause doing it while wet wasn’t all that enjoyable. I wanted to do the activity cause of these factors and the concept. Being in a large group effected participation as everyone had to be controlled and not make anyone left out. I gave ideas to the team in order to do our best. The start of the activity go a lot of people wet as we hadn’t come up with a strategy to get all the water in to the pipe. I soon realised (with the contribution of team mates ideas) that we should use the hole in the cup to let the water poor through. It worked and the rest of the activity was a breeze. 

 I rated my effort a Merit because I gave my best smarts to the groups plans and participation. I also got the group involved in sharing ideas and listening to make our group do the best we could. At the start I understood the concept but didn’t know what would happen when we were actually doing it. So I just let others guide me. My job was to poor the water in the pipe with the hole cup. After two poles I got some people wet. I changed strategy and started using the hole in the bottom to let the water go into the pipe. From then on out we flew through the challenge and I let the others handle the holes in the pipe. I was chosen to poor cause I could reach the highest. We were the fastest group across the whole year group according to our teacher.

After we completed we the had majority of the period to do what ever physical activity we wanted so it was a good fun lesson.

For future I would help the others find the holes a bot more and go a bit faster without dropping too much water while transporting it to the pipe. I got some people wet cause hadn’t communicated with the team about some holes but others soon realised. 

Overall I did a good job and our team did win so we must have been doing something right. Next time I would have a high participation as I had fun during this lesson.