Economics SMART Goals

These are my SMART goals for Economics this year:


S = Specific (what) M = Measurable (when) A = Achieveable (how) R = Realistic (why) T = Think (who)

S = I want to achieve some high standard grades for economics. Excellence is my target but if I am having trouble and get a merit I will be happy with that. If I get achieved then I know I have to work a bit harder so I can upgrade my grade next time.

M = I will do my work when it is given to me. My homework will be done ASAP and be completed for the due date. During class I will keep up with the rest of the class and make sure not to fall behind in my work. If i do fall behind I will make sure I catch up in my own time. I will use my fellow class mates to help if it is needed.

A = I will achieve my marks by doing extra work to make sure I fully know what I have to know in order to get the grade I want. I will complete the work in class and ask questions on anything I don’t understand so that I learn. I will use qualities such as the grade cycle (Gathering, Processing, Applying) to achieve. I will show Mañaaki Orewa in class towards fellow classmates and my teacher so that I get the best possible learning experience.

R = I want to do these things and achieve well because I have little idea on what I want to do when I get a career. So doing my best in school now will give my more options when I am looking for a job career. I also like to do well because doing so makes me fell proud of myself. 

T = For me to achieve my SMART goals it is up to myself to do well and accomplish what I would like to accomplish. My goals are wants and I have the means to get them. This is becasue they are more like necessities to me and I need to do my best and try my hardest. My classmates are involved I have to be able to work in Paris and groups for some tasks so social skills are required. Mr Stevens is also involved in giving me the means to demand what mark I want on my assessments. Most importantly it is my job to succeed all this.

~ Cory Brown 😉


12th February – Friday – Merit 

 On Thursday we played leaky pipes. We had 3 teams of nine. We had to fill a pipe with holes in it with water to get a plastic ball to fall out the top. It was a big team participation activity and involved communication and getting wet. We had to fill the pipe with a cup with a hole in the bottom. 

 The first factor was being with a large group. Another factor was the water that was involved cause doing it while wet wasn’t all that enjoyable. I wanted to do the activity cause of these factors and the concept. Being in a large group effected participation as everyone had to be controlled and not make anyone left out. I gave ideas to the team in order to do our best. The start of the activity go a lot of people wet as we hadn’t come up with a strategy to get all the water in to the pipe. I soon realised (with the contribution of team mates ideas) that we should use the hole in the cup to let the water poor through. It worked and the rest of the activity was a breeze. 

 I rated my effort a Merit because I gave my best smarts to the groups plans and participation. I also got the group involved in sharing ideas and listening to make our group do the best we could. At the start I understood the concept but didn’t know what would happen when we were actually doing it. So I just let others guide me. My job was to poor the water in the pipe with the hole cup. After two poles I got some people wet. I changed strategy and started using the hole in the bottom to let the water go into the pipe. From then on out we flew through the challenge and I let the others handle the holes in the pipe. I was chosen to poor cause I could reach the highest. We were the fastest group across the whole year group according to our teacher.

After we completed we the had majority of the period to do what ever physical activity we wanted so it was a good fun lesson.

For future I would help the others find the holes a bot more and go a bit faster without dropping too much water while transporting it to the pipe. I got some people wet cause hadn’t communicated with the team about some holes but others soon realised. 

Overall I did a good job and our team did win so we must have been doing something right. Next time I would have a high participation as I had fun during this lesson.


10th February – Tuesday – Merit 

 On Tuesday week 2, we did the Frisbee Golf. We had to get into teams if 3. We had to throw a frisbee into a hoop without moving with the frisbee or letting the frisbee touch the ground. I was with Alex and Luke we did the 9 holes in 33 shots. It was a team based activity that required skill.

 The factors that were involved in the lesson were being able to pick our own trio. Another was the skills that were involved. A impacted factor was the hot weather. I felt like I could still try while these factors were in play. Being able to pick our own groups made the lesson fun easy and enjoyable. The skills involved made it slightly difficult and a good level challenge for a hot day outside. 

 I rate my effort Merit. The is because it was a hot day and not being a frisbee throwing professional I did very well and tried to do as good as my comrades so I wouldn’t let them down. I played as a team player making sure we all got even participation and had fun with out frustrating each one another. We were the first group because we felt confident and no one else wanted to start first. Because we were just trying our best we progressed through the course at a good physical standard.

 For future I think I could of done better depending on the weather I could do better and communicate more in order to improve our team work and team score. We were honest in our scoring and didn’t try to cheat cause there was really no point while we were doing good anyway. The best way in order to improve was probably to go slower and take more time even thoug our skills made up for it, taking a few more seconds instead of rushing through the activity. Next time I would have a high participation cause I enjoyed the game and want to do better the next time I try it.

Do I Like English?

I like the subject of English.

I like it because you get to watch movies read books and find a deeper meaning to the literacy life at school and outside of school.


5th February – Thursday – Merit 

 On thursday we did a couple of activities. The first activity was a competitive activity where a group had to place a glue stick the furthest without crossing a set mark. The next activity was participation based. We had to use a parachute to do a variety of things. 

 The factors that made my performance merit were fun, friends, competition and enjoyment. I wanted to do the activity because of theSe factors. Friends effected my performance because for the first practical lesson if the year it is hard to start and get involved with people you don’t know. That was not the case for me. I am a competitive person and love to be the best and beat people so I really tried to do the best possible in the glue stick activity.

 I enjoyed the parachute activity because it was enjoyable and involved everyone in the class. The whole session was good fun.

I gave my self a merit cause for the first lesson I gave positive participation and tried to do what I could to help my team win the glue stick competition and get involved in the parachute activity. I was contributing to the class when doing both activities and helped pack up at the end. I did try as much as I could for the stick activity and my groups won both the competitions.

 I can improve my participation with the other class mates by not just sticking to one group and actually mingling with the rest of the class mates that I don’t know the best. I do prefer to be with my known friends as it can make the lesson a lot more enjoyable and fun. Next time I would feel about in the middle of participating again cause there was nothing bad about it but I prefer to have a physical challenge or competition in the activities I participate in.