Do I Like English?

I like the subject of English.

I like it because you get to watch movies read books and find a deeper meaning to the literacy life at school and outside of school.

Talk shows – Prior Knowledge

1. What are some reasons for giving a speech?

To inspire and persuade people to acknowledge what you are trying to tell people. To get a message across to a certain audience.

2. Describe at least three techniques or persuasive speaking

Volume, Eye contact, Speaking not reading.

3. List as many different talk shows as you can think of

Graham norton, dr. Phil, Ellen, Oprah, Jeremy Kyle, Dr. Oz, Tyra Banks, 7 days.

The Theme of Appearances and Stereotypes

Joe Alsop – In the book the outsider written by S.E Hinton the theme stereotypes and appearances contribute to the book and shows the charters in more depth. The 3 points in the book that contribute and describe the theme appearances and stereotypes is how people see stereotypical greasers and think that they are all the same when they are not. The next point is how the appearance of a greasers reflects what there actions are like and what there actions are. And the last point about how socs appearance reflects who they are and how they go about there business.

Joesph Smeedscott – In the novel the outsiders appearances tell you a lot about the people in the book as the greasers have a tuff and ruff look about them but on the other side the socs have a nice clean tidy look about them. A look that would tell you that these boys are respectful and wouldn’t hurt anybody. But in reality it is quite the opposite. The socs go hunting for people to beat up and all the greasers do is try to fight back. A quote that would show you this would be when Darry says “why weren’t you carrying a blade you no the socs could attack at any minute” This shows that you should never judge a book by its cover. A scene in the book that shows us how brutal the socs are is when the socs get into a fight with Johnny and pony boy. They where drowning pony boy and beating up Johnny. Johnny and pony boy did nothing to aggravate them Which shows how aggressive the socs really are. The author wants us to learn that even though the socs look nice and tidy in reality they are not.

Cory Brown – Greasers have their own type of appearance are a east side gang. Greasers are usually judged as being rebels or outsiders. They are full of boys from the east side that are poor wear leather clothing a lot, use heaps of hair products to make their hair slick. “My hair is longer than a lot of boys wear theirs, squared off in back and long at the front and sides, but I am a greaser and most of my neighborhood rarely bothers to get a haircut.” They try to look more expensive the what they actually are. They always make themselves look tough and hard with no heart. They go around scary people away from the areas they hang around. They are a typical poor kind of violent people. Socs are the complete opposite of the greasers. They are rich, wear flash clothes, drive flash cars. “The blue Mustang was circling the park slowly.” Greasers are just a typical American gang that don’t have a lot of money and fight other gangs and people to blow off steam. S.E Hinton was trying to teach the reader what a lot of gangs actually were like at the point of time that the novel was written. We can learn that being in a gang and being raised by a gang can effect your future path and choices that you make and how you appear to everyone that looks at you. You have release that your apperance can effect what people think of you.

Joe Alsop – A Important point in the them about appearance and stereotypes is how all the non greaser charters in the book all stereotypical about greasers and think that they are all the same and that they all take a path of crime, that they are looking for a fight etc. a good example that shows what a typical greaser is like is Dally who is tuff, big, always in trouble and looking for a fight, has been on the west side and is what a typical description of a greaser is like. This is what a typical greaser and all the other non greaser charters in the book believe that this is what all greasers are like but they are only like that on the outside. On the inside they are a completely different person in the sense that there personality is not what you would think a stereotypical greasers personality would be. For example in the scene where cherry met pony boy and Johnny and started to get to know them she even admitted herself that she was surprised and thought that there personalities would be completely different “to be honest I thought you would be completely different you know because your greasers and all”. This quote showed to the audience that pony boy looks like a stereotypical greaser but actually has a different personality. The scene really shows the stereotypical theme and shows how every charter in the book who’s not a greaser only has to take one look at a greaser, then they believe that they instantly know what there personality is going to be like when they actually don’t. The author was trying to show us that people always judge people on how they look and the author doesn’t think that it’s right. The author is also trying to show us that peoples personalities are not necessarily inflicted on how they look and act around you.

Cory Brown – In The Outsiders a novel written by S.E Hinton, a key theme is the theme of apperances and stereotypes. Socs have their own appearance to people which is west side rich kids that have expensive clothing and cars and act like they are above everyone. Greaser also have their own apperance, slick long hair with leath clothing that isn’t very expensive although it makes them look expensive. The live in a poor neighbourhood and appear as rebels or outsiders. Greasers are the typical east side gang. Poor, tough, violent and cold. They never appear as people who care about others except for the other gang members. We can learn that stereotypes and apperances can effect how peopel look at eachother and how you look at other people. S.E Hinton wants us to know that we shouldn’t judge eachother by the book cover.